

High tensile steel; L-section and T-section girders;
flat struts; twenty-four two-inch bolts, twenty-four
nuts, ditto, in four rows of six; heavy-duty poured
rough-moulded concrete; cement; gravel; water;
time; oxides of iron; undercoat rustproof ochre,
topcoat battleship grey; grey lichen; yellow lichen;
pennywort; spiderweb; sheep’s wool; snail-slime;
meadow-grass in clumps; moss; loose stones;
bird droppings; rabbit droppings; urine, sheep and fox;
wind; rain; black box; photographic paper; God’s
impartial sunlight; time; stamps; padded envelope;
black fibre-tip (0.5mm); A4 folded to A5; time; lap-
top; plastic socket; 4,500 miles of the National Grid;
substation; power station; many pylons, maybe this.





Poems © Philip Gross